Jornal de Pediatria (English Edition)
ISSN: 0021-7557

Jornal de Pediatria is a bimonthly publication of the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics (Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria, SBP). It has been published without interruption since 1934. Jornal de Pediatria publishes original articles and review articles covering various areas in the field of pediatrics. By publishing relevant scientific contributions, Jornal de Pediatria aims at improving the standards of pediatrics and of the healthcare provided for children and adolescents in general, as well to foster debate about health.

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Vol. 101. Issue 1.
Pages 1-116 (January - February 2025)
Identifying adolescents with increased cardiometabolic risk—Simple, but challenging
Eero A. Haapala
J Pediatr (Rio J). 2025;101:1-3
Full text access
Spinal muscular atrophy in Brazil: from individual treatment to global management
Laurent Servais, Cristiane Araujo Martins Moreno
J Pediatr (Rio J). 2025;101:4-6
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Review articles
Social vulnerability among Brazilian children in early childhood: a scoping review
Alcina M. Brito, Deisiane O. Souto, Luana C. Silva, Hércules R. Leite, Rosane L.S. Morais
J Pediatr (Rio J). 2025;101:7-20
Full text access
Original articles
Association of BMI and WC for insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes among Brazilian adolescents
Cesar Pirajá Bandeira, Beatriz D. Schaan, Felipe Vogt Cureau
J Pediatr (Rio J). 2025;101:30-7
Full text access
Clinicogenetic characterization and response to disease-modifying therapies in spinal muscular atrophy: real-world experience from a reference center in Southern Brazil
Ana Letícia Amorim de Albuquerque, Júlia Kersting Chadanowicz, Isabela Possebon Bevilacqua, Ana Lucia Portella Staub, Pablo Brea Winckler, Patricia Zambone da Silva, Simone Chaves Fagondes, Renata Salatti Ferrari, ... Jonas Alex Morales Saute
J Pediatr (Rio J). 2025;101:38-45
Full text access
Effectiveness of physiological flexion swaddling and oromotor interventions in improving preterm infants' oral feeding ability in the NICU: a randomized controlled trial
Luh K. Wahyuni, Irawan Mangunatmadja, Risma K. Kaban, Elvie Zulka K. Rachmawati, Rizky K. Wardhani, Budiati Laksmitasari, Boya Nugraha
J Pediatr (Rio J). 2025;101:46-53
Full text access
Prenatal diagnosis of critical congenital heart disease associated with lower postpartum depressive symptoms: a case-control study
Daniela R. Vieira, Patrícia P. Ruschel, Márcia M. Schmidt, Paulo Zielinsky
J Pediatr (Rio J). 2025;101:54-60
Full text access
Tuberculosis preventive treatment in newborns
Tony TannousTahan, Andrea Maciel de Oliveira Rossoni, Giuliana Lugarini, Simoni Pimenta de Oliveira, Juliana Taques, Mauricio Bedim dos Santos, Betina Mendez Alcântara Gabardo, Tatiane Emi Hirose, Cristina de Oliveira Rodrigues
J Pediatr (Rio J). 2025;101:61-6
Full text access
WhatsApp and atopic dermatitis: a clinical trial
Thaís Braga Cerqueira, Renata Robl Imoto, Mariana Muzzolon, Vânia Oliveira de Carvalho
J Pediatr (Rio J). 2025;101:67-73
Full text access
Investigation of newborn blood metabolomics in varying intrauterine growth conditions
Shengwen Wang, Xiaofei Lin, Yu Zhou, Xin Yang, Mingming Ou, Linxin Zhang, Yumei Wang, Jing Gao
J Pediatr (Rio J). 2025;101:74-81
Full text access
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the CFAbd-Score for gastrointestinal symptoms in patients with cystic fibrosis
Flávia N.S. Infante, Elizete A. Lomazi, Carlos Zagoya, Franziska Duckstein, Daniela O. Magro, Fernando Pessotto, Antônio F. Ribeiro, José D. Ribeiro, Jochen G. Mainz
J Pediatr (Rio J). 2025;101:82-8
Full text access
Genetic polymorphisms (FTO rs9939609 and TMEM18 rs6548238), adipokines (leptin and adiponectin) and adiposity in children and adolescents with asthma
Marta Evangelho Machado, Luis C. Porto, Jeane S. Nogueira, Clemax C. Sant´Anna, José R. Lapa e Silva
J Pediatr (Rio J). 2025;101:89-95
Full text access
Central auditory system assessment in children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis: electrophysiology and central auditory processing
Paula Maria Martins-Duarte, Gabriel Hessel, Antônio Fernando Ribeiro, Fernando Augusto Lima Marson, Maria Francisca Colella-Santos
J Pediatr (Rio J). 2025;101:96-102
Full text access
Analysis of agreement between specialists for the evaluation of radiological findings of necrotizing enterocolitis
Erica Cristina Scarpa, João C. Lyra, Pedro L.T. de A. Lourenção, Andréa S. Hachem, Geraldo H.S. da Silva, Glauce R.F. Giacóia, Erika V.P. Ortolan, Camila de Paula Silva, ... Maria R. Bentlin
J Pediatr (Rio J). 2025;101:103-9
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Epidemiological profile trends and cost of pediatric sickle cell disease in Brazil from 2008 to 2022
Luiza Telles, Paulo Henrique Moreira Melo, Luana Baptistele Dornelas, Gabriele Eckerdt Lech, Natália Zaneti Sampaio, Ayla Gerk, Madeleine Carroll, Cristina Pires Camargo
J Pediatr (Rio J). 2025;101:110-6
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Jornal de Pediatria (English Edition)
en pt
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A partir de 10 de fevereiro de 2025, haverá mudança no preço da taxa de publicação de todos os artigos que forem aceitos para publicação no Jornal de Pediatria. Ao submeterem o manuscrito a esta revista, os autores concordam com esses termos. A submissão dos manuscritos continua gratuita. Effective February 10, 2025, there will be changes in the Article Publishing Charge (APC) for all articles after peer review and acceptance in Jornal de Pediatria. By submitting the manuscript to this journal, the authors agree to these terms. Manuscript submission remains free of charge.
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